New features we need to improve user experience

Hello everybody it’s Hogberg.
Here is some cool ideas that might fit in to Linear Finance;

P&L data for each asset we had. (exchange)
Average buying price for each asset. (exchange)
Date strict perp contracts | ex: 3 Month BTC Long Position 3x leverage (exchange)

Quick tip pop ups or walkthrough for first time users(exchange-builder-vault)
Hyperlinks between Builder - Vault - Exchange

AI live chat (Builder)
Proper track debt feature(Builder)

I will try to keep this updated! You can also write your own ideas down below at the comment section!


I agree with you on track debt feature, perpetuals expiry date and hyperlinks between buildr/vault/exchange.

Also it would be good to have mobile access to buildr, just to be able to quickly build lUSD when necessary :wink:


Yes sir mobile access would be really really helpful!