New Horizon and Protocol Changes

Any crisis presents the opportunity for change, I think the new team have so far responded well to recent events although we can all argue as to what led to the recent attack, lets focus on the changes to the protocol we would like to see moving forward.
We have a great opportunity in our hands here, use this thread to soundboard ideas.
What sort of exchange should we have? Order book dex? Other Dapps? Leverage trading? How would you like the DAO to operate?


I’d say the core DAO team could help triage through the ideas/discuss with the centralised team, and we can push those curated ideas to the snapshot vote.
The latest vote had a great level of engagement (well, not surprising but still a good indicator)

Imo, based on latest announcement by the core Lina team in Discord:

  • If we go back to the previous state, we will need:
    —>Insurance that such collateral liquidity attacks won’t occur, nor other “insider” code release attacks. Need to have proper safeguards + controls in place (reactive → proactive). Please do your threat modelling for each product, identify threat actors, vulnerable code/infra/people, and set up detection + response + défense mechanism. Test thoroughly in Sandbox env
    —>Multi collateral or similar, but not relying only on lUSD
    —>Keep going on the gamification, the small event that was held recently was pretty good, having a leaderboard & additional events would be great to bring people in, & keep existing ones active. Could be spot, futures, predictions, … also, would be great to enable rules or like automated actions to trade liquids (disclaimer: no idea how that’d be technically implemented nor how tough, just sharing the idea)
    —>Maybe partner with other well known actors in Defi to foster further integrations of Lina into products or to bring new liquidity, or linked competitions, or ….

Thanks for your input Wushu, I agree the recent trading comp was a nice bit of gamification, the kind of thing that could attract new users and positive attention.
The new team have been trying, the podcst series has been excellent and I feel this recent hack is a significant setback for them/us.
If we keep pulling together, our ideas and how we would like to reformulate the DAO I think the future can be bright. No reason why not, the next steps are crucial.
Thanks again for your support.