LC Nomination: Community Lead - Captain Trips - Let's Build a Vibrant Community Together

Hello! I’m "Captain Trips”. I’ve been actively engaged with the Linear Community for all of 2021, buying my first LINA on New Years Day. I quickly became active within the Linear Community and served as a moderator on both Telegram and Discord. Additionally, I’ve been the main contributor to the Linear Delta One Community Twitter account. Most recently, I’ve accepted a position to manage the Linear Global Ambassador program.

When I first discovered Linear Finance I became very excited about the potential of the project. I spent time researching the project, learning about the specifics of the protocol and helping others understand how to engage with the system. I was very quickly brought onto the team as a moderator, and used that position to further educate and support our Linear Community. My newest position as the lead of the Global Ambassador program will allow me to leverage the strengths of the Linear Community to expand the footprint of the community, and increase the popularity of Linear Finance across the crypto community.

I believe that the best crypto projects have the strongest community. As the Linear Community Lead I will work closely with the Linear Global Ambassadors to develop helpful infographics, marketing materials and other useful tools to increase awareness of the project. Linear Finance provides a critical financial instrument to people around the globe, and it’s extremely important for new potential users to know about the protocol. I believe that building a vibrant community of passionate supporters will be critical for having a healthy DAO and growing the user base.

My simple goals are as follows:

  1. Revitalize the under-utilized Global Ambassador program
  2. Develop educational and marketing materials with the Global Ambassador team
  3. Grow and Nurture the Linear Community

I bring 20 years of Program Management experience to this position. My personal career has primarily been focused on building foundational procedures for new projects. I have been successful in building programs from the ground-up, and establishing the standards and procedures for long-lasting programs. I intend to use my learned experience to focus on building the Linear Community.

The DAO is only as valuable as its community. I will take this position extremely seriously, approach it with a high level of professionalism, and do my best to develop a vibrant and engaged Linear Finance community.

Thank you for your consideration.


Good luck Captain. Steer this ship through calm and storm


Think Captain is well suited for this position. He has that diplomatic approach needed to run this position. Have seen him multiple times handling intense situations without harming or offending anyone while resolivng the conflict efficiently. Go Captain!!!


Big YES to our good old Captain, he’s always been greatly involved into the project and for the community. Always came up with great ideas, definitely one of our best guys out there. :innocent:


You have my vote Captain…


GL HF Capt, you have my vote, please help this project have an actual active big community.


You promised to me on Discord that you’ve managed to reduce gas fees.
But now, gas fees are there and nothing to change.
Gas fees is high and it prevents people who has a small Lina token join the community and not to want to staking.
They know that gas fees are higher than rewards and they will sell it.
Like me, gas fees are 25% of my rewards if Lina’s price still is 0.5$. And in a year, i will lost 25% of income in gas fees. It doesn’t including my debts.
I know that high gas fees can make more people must buy more Lina token so that claim more rewards in one of claiming. But, it’s impossible for almost.
I’ve staking OM on Mantra DAO and it automatically stake my rewards after a round ( one around is 8 days) and i don’t have to do anything.
And if BNB will be 1000 usdt, gas fees are very very high. BNB’s price is going to be that.
Sorry about my bad English


I’ve never promised you anything about reducing gas fees, Motorola. Please do not make claims I did not say.

This is an inappropriate place to bring up this concern.

We’ve told you multiple times that gas fees are due to the Binance Smart Chain network, not within our control. You continue to ignore this point.

There are other protocols with lower gas fees, and I’d encourage you to research those.



You have my vote C Trips! You’ve been a great Lina ambassador, all year!


I feel gas fees are super low considering other chains. It would be nice if rewards could be added/claimed gas free automatically or grouped. I’m not sure the having to constantly claim or risk reward loss could be circumvented, but it’s worth looking deeper into. I’d love to be able to let the Lina do it’s thing throughout the year without having to spend weekly time managing it.

Motorola~ Your investment is small. Most rewards on other tokens require large minimums to run nodes and such with much lower returns. The BSC is relatively cheap, unfortunately it will never be matic or Sol cheap. I bet that if it goes to $1000; they will halve the fees again and keep it cost effective as intended. I wouldn’t worry too much about that.


I’ve been staking EPS on It’s on BSC. Why does it have gas fees 0.34$ for claiming rewards and 0.69$ for staking?
While Claim rewards on Linear Finance is 2.5$ and build LUSD is about 8-10$?


My questions is not only for you, it’s for all of managers in Lina Council.
So, i’ll vote for you if i can because you work hard