ℓPIP: Reduce the P-ratio from 450 to 400

Dear Linear Community,

A few months have passed since we implemented the prior propositions’ P-ratio adjustments in October 2022.

Ref: https://snapshot.org/#/lineardao.eth/proposal/0xfc3570209ce0ca34402372cc1d3c3879bc9981914e2e247ba345cd3470809fb9
P-ratio Adjustments ℓIP: To be Implemented on 24/10/2022 | by Linear Finance | Linear Finance | Medium

As you may remember, when we set out to further decentralize the protocol and allow the DAO, and its members, via voting, to adjust vital protocol parameters we proposed a measured approach and to implement protocol updates in a conservative manner - it’s always easier to implement “looser” requirements than having to go the opposite direction and re-implement stricter ones.

With that said:

Linear Core Team has monitored the debt pool and user statistics since and concluded that another reduction of the P-ratio to build ℓUSD is viable, without posing any greater risk to the protocol overall.


P-ratio to build / claim rewards : reduce from 450 → 400

Allow users to claim rewards and build ℓUSD at a lower P-ratio (400), thus increasing the amount of ℓUSD in circulation.

All other aspects related to the P-ratio remain as is.


This proposal is yet another step in further reducing the P-ratio, while ensuring the overall healthiness and long term growth of the platform. A reduction would allow a greater number of users to claim weekly rewards and build more ℓUSD for any given dollar amount of $LINA.


Captain Trips coming through in the clutch.


Well played @Bowser_LinearFinance!
Your timing is actually great on this one.

As the team has confirmed that there is no safety issue by implementing this considering the protocol and the debt pool, I think it would be the right thing to do.

One of the main focuses should be an efforts to stabilize the ℓUSD peg. As mentioned the previous change had a positive impact on this aspect.

Lets go, great idea :bulb: :clap:


Unexpected and remarkable consideration.


Sounds like a sensible move, I support it


Please provide details in the statistics that form the basis of this proposal.


All clear bowser. I like the idea


More rewards, less LUSD needed to claim rewards, more LUSD to play with instead of using the LINA, great. Problem is the liquidity of LUSD is still very bad, for a 60 million dollar market cap coin, our liquidity is less than half a million - also it would be difficult to reverse these blissful changes once implemented, but in a bull run where LINA makes new highs every month or so, P-ratio could easily be reverted back to 500-600, maybe higher, if LUSD depegs.

Offtopic: I would love to see a way to transfer staked LINA (locked) to another wallet in locked form, for security purpose :smiley:


Sounds good! I support it!


I support it as well! And of course keep monitoring lusd peg as mentioned above, and make the required changes depending on trading activity/market changes.


Honestly this doesn’t seem like a good idea. You guys should really focus on more relevant things. I saw other and better proposals that seem to just forgotten about.

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This is a highly volatile coin fees for burning and building is too high. Tackle this first!

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Why doesn’t this seem like a good idea? This is relevant, increasing lUSD in circulation is a part of helping the peg. Sure there’s more things to be done, but that doesn’t mean this shouldn’t be done either.

And burning / building fees has nothing to do with this current proposition.
If you have ideas on lowering the fees, we’re happy to hear about them :slight_smile:
Or any other new proposals are always welcome.


Of course it also got to do with the fees???
You are trying to increase the activity on building lusd and allowing more people to claim at lower P ratio… you have to pay a high fee for doing this. Why should I build more if I pay 2 to 4 dollars as a fee??? The net benefit for building does not justifythe cost for building. Also with that volatility you basically are going to trap more people into liquidation if a sudden correction occurs.

Again what is the research supporting this. Simply stating the team has concluded that this would be ok doesn’t mean anything without concrete results and analysis. Please share the supporting analysis.
Also the new ratio has not really been tested through a full cycle.

I saw so many other suggestions to fix the peg none of them are followed up by. Are you tempering with p ratio because that is all that can be done as a DAO??? Please stop!!!

Btw I saw some guy commenting on discord on possible solutions for the high fees. Have u seen that?

Here is the message:
Hey there, I was looking at the code and currently thinking about the decision process on the staking contract. Why you don’t use reentrancy guard with a modifier instead of accessing memory? (This cost more gas)
Also why not moving everything to a mapping as to lower the gas fees without doing too many operations and accessing at the same time other mappings? And why not allowing bulk claim, without putting a time restraint?

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Of course it also got to do with the fees??? You are trying to increase the activity on building lusd and allowing more people to claim at lower P ratio… you have to pay a high fee for doing this. Why should I build more if I pay 2 to 4 dollars as a fee??? The net benefit for building does not justifythe cost for building. Also with that volatility you basically are going to trap more people into liquidation if a sudden correction occurs.

The $2-4 dollar fee being worth it is very subjective, to some it may make sense to build more LUSD (although needing to pay gas fees) and for others it won’t. Also worth noting is that users do not necessarily need to build to a 400 p-ratio. Conservative users can choose to keep a p-ratio of e.g. 600. However, allowing active users, with good risk management to build further should be a net benefit

Again what is the research supporting this. Simply stating the team has concluded that this would be ok doesn’t mean anything without concrete results and analysis. Please share the supporting analysis. Also the new ratio has not really been tested through a full cycle.

We’ve simply monitored the debt pool, usage and overall p-ratio on the platform (stands at 660) . As for not allowing a full cycle, that is true, yes. However, if we set that as a requirement (needing a full bear/bull cycle) that means we’ll get stuck and not be able to implement changes other than every 3-5yrs. I trust none really would support such action. We’ve also looked at similar protocols and their p-ratio’s and protocol risk. When we decided to launch at 500 later reducing to 450 and now 400, we wanted to ensure to take a measured and conservative approach. Initially when we posted the 500 → 450 prop some user argued that we should go to 400 directly. In hindsight this would have proved no problem, but we decided to err on the side of caution

I saw so many other suggestions to fix the peg none of them are followed up by. Are you tempering with p ratio because that is all that can be done as a DAO??? Please stop!!!

As mentioned during the call tonight (and thanks for joining and posing your questions to the team, appreciated) we look into all suggestions and proposals that the community presents. We’ve had great discussion with community member pho/philipp (and others) regarding the peg protection bot and research and thought are still going towards this.

Btw I saw some guy commenting on discord on possible solutions for the high fees. Have u seen that? Here is the message: Hey there, I was looking at the code and currently thinking about the decision process on the staking contract. Why you don’t use reentrancy guard with a modifier instead of accessing memory? (This cost more gas) Also why not moving everything to a mapping as to lower the gas fees without doing too many operations and accessing at the same time other mappings? And why not allowing bulk claim, without putting a time restraint? Thanks

Yes, we saw this, and while I’m not a dev and capable to ascertain if this is feasible, it has been forwarded to the dev team for consideration.


The proposition has been posted to Snapshot.

Vote here (opens 3pm UTC 28th Feb) : Snapshot


Congrats @Bowser_LinearFinance and the team!!
Excelent implementation, lead time of less than 2 months!


Good news - thanks for everyone involved!

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Going to 0 - how does increasing supply help the depeg exactly?
It doesn’t.
LUSD loses all value so does LINA.

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