Hey there, as a vast majority seem to agree to redefine unclaimed rewards system, I wanted to introduce a suggestion from @ark on our discord server, where:
25% of unclaimed rewards would be burned
25% would go to DAO reserve
50% would be redistributed among all stakers
According to @Bowser_LinearFinance data (Burn unclaimed rewards with penalty - #10 by Bowser_LinearFinance), for the last month we noted that around 36% of rewards are being unclaimed, which represent a total of 24 827 348 LINA.
So for the last month we had:
24 827 348 LINA that have been redistributed amongst all claimers
With @ark proportions (25/25/50), we would get:
6 206 837 LINA burned
6 206 837 LINA redistributed to the DAO reserve
12 413 674 LINA redistributed to stakers
In my opinion it seems to be a pretty fair compromise to begin with.
What you guys think about it?